Dr. Andrew L. Clavenna is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in spine surgery. In addition to traditional spine procedures, Dr. Clavenna’s expertise includes the latest in spinal surgery techniques including minimally invasive spine surgery, artificial disc replacement (disc arthroplasty), and spinal navigation. Dr. Clavenna exhausts conservative therapies, such as rehabilitation and injections, prior to surgical intervention.

Spinal Surgery
Spine surgery is usually recommended when pain is unrelenting, affects your quality of life and conservative treatments do not seem to work. You may have surgery to relieve pain due to nerve compression by removing bone or a damaged spinal disc. There are many techniques performed to treat your back, following which you need to take a few precautions to improve outcomes and safely get you back to function.
The most common spinal surgeries include:
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS)
- Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy
- Spinal Fusion
- Spinal Navigation
- Laminectomy
- Laminoplasty
- Laminotomy
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Non-Surgical Treatments
Most spine pain can be treated without surgery. The non-surgical treatment involves the use of pain medications and other methods to reduce inflammation and restore normal function. Some of the non-surgical treatment options include:
- Trigger point injections (TPI) are used to treat intense pain in the muscles containing trigger points (are tight bands or knots that are formed when the muscle fails to relax after the contraction).
- Rehabilitation: The advantages include:
- Stretching and bending exercises improve flexibility of the injured site
- Massage relieves the tension of the muscles and improves the blood flow to the injury site
- Restores the functions and movements of the broken or injured joints
Spine Athletic Injuries
Athletes are prone to spine injuries as a result of trauma or repetitive movements and stress. Improper technique, fatigue and poor muscle tone and flexibility can also lead to spine injuries. High-risk sports include football, wrestling, weight lifting, ice hockey, skiing, diving and cheerleading. Injuries may cause fracture or slipping of vertebrae, bulging or rupture of intervertebral discs and damage to the spinal cord. This can lead to significant pain and disability.
- Spondylolysis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Herniated discs
- Nerve Injuries
- Vertebrae Fracture
Surgery Instructions
The North Central Surgical Center is a licensed acute hospital in Dallas, specializing in providing care to patients undergoing surgery.
Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas
Over the past 100 years, Baylor Dallas has exemplified excellence in patient care, medical education, and research and community service. We've earned the trust of people in our surrounding communities and for a decade, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Baylor Dallas among the best hospitals in the United States.
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas is proud to be recognized as a U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital for Digestive Disorders, Neurology and Neurosurgery and Orthopedics specialties.